Florida Construction News staff writer
The City of Miami has achieved Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Gold certification. LEED was created by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) and is the world’s most widely used green building rating system.
“Miami continues to lead the way as the most sustainable city in the world,” said Mayor Francis Suarez. “We have pledged carbon neutrality by 2050, and our buildings will play a big role in achieving this feat. Our resilience planning ensures that all buildings comply with the highest sustainability standards and being named a LEED Gold City.”
LEED is designed to help buildings, communities, and cities achieve high performance in key areas of human and environmental health.
Miami received credits for initiatives in the following categories:’
Resilience Planning: identified climate vulnerabilities and took holistic approach to addressing threats through the development of citywide plans such as the comprehensive emergency management plan and Miami Forever Climate Ready
Green Building Policy and Incentives
Environmental Justice: Toxic soils were removed from seven parks, mitigating a health risk, especially in the historic West Grove neighborhood
Green Spaces: 87% of residents live within a 10-minute walk of a park which substantially exceeds the national average of 55%
Alternative Fuel Vehicles: passed an ordinance requiring 20% of new off-street parking to be EV capable
Regional Priority: Resilient305, the Building Efficiency 305 program, and the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Compact