
Sarasota looking for input to improve safety on Shade Avenue

Florida Construction News staff writer

The City of Sarasota is focused on safety for walkers, cyclists and drivers as it plans changes for Shade Avenue between Hibiscus Street and 15th Street.

Based on public feedback, staff says the traffic circle at Shade Avenue and Novus Street may be removed. However, they are now seeking comments on how to improve the intersection at Shade Avenue and Novus Street.

An online survey is available until Jan. 22, 2024. For details about the project, visit the Shade Avenue Complete Streets webpage.

The City of Sarasota began the planning phase of Shade Avenue Complete Street, the number four priority in Sarasota in Motion, the City’s transportation master plan. As a means of incorporating the public vision for this street, the City will be conducting several opportunities for citizen input and involvement.

The complete street design promotes safe walking, biking, riding transit and vehicle transportation. Each complete street is unique to the community and with enhanced sidewalks, street lighting, benches, street trees and landscaping, public art, and more.

For more information contact the project manager, Alvimarie Corales, chief transportation planner at Alvimarie.Corales@SarasotaFL.gov.


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