
Pensacola unveils ambitious $1 million annual repaving plan

Florida Construction News staff writer

The City of Pensacola plans to spend up to $1 million per fiscal year to improve city streets, contingent upon funding.

This Asphalt Paving Program follows a 2023 assessment that gave about 5,000 city street blocks a pavement condition index (PCI) score. This PCI score range is Serious (0-24), Very Poor (25-39), Poor (40-54), Fair (55-69), Satisfactory (70-84), and Good (85-100).

The first blocks to be included are “serious,” “very poor,” and several “poor”-scored blocks adjacent to “serious” and “very poor” blocks. These locations are focused first in the southwest section of the city and then move to the northeast section. Work is expected to begin in September 2024.

Work will be tracked on a new webpage which includes a spreadsheet of the city blocks identified for inclusion in the Fiscal Year 2024 and Fiscal Year 2025 work orders. There is also an interactive map showing the PCI ratings for city street blocks, as well as which fiscal year they will fall under for repair.

The final street blocks in each work order will depend on actual costs incurred. There are several street blocks shown in grey and scored as “very poor” that are included in future city projects for resurfacing within the next five years.


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